Seller FREE Guides

Here are a list of Free Seller Guides to better help you to Sell your home in Bluffton. 

If you have any questions please just give us a call or send an e-mail to

Be Sure to visit our website for Sellers at 

Complete list of Guides and Reports For Both Buyers & Sellers can be found at

 Free 2015 Guide to Selling a Home in Bluffton

guide to selling a home 2015This guide was designed to inform you about all the steps of selling a home in Bluffton so that you can feel confident, make informed decisions, and act as an educated seller. This guide will explain to you the difference of a Real Estate Broker and Real Estate Agent.  Real Estate Portals and why they are used.  The reason of a home appraisal and home inspection. Its important to set the price of your home correctly this guide will help with that.  Get an idea of what to expect when its time to show your home to a potential buyer. This guide will also give you a few home staging tips as well as home improvements Do’s and Dont’s. You will receive an overview of how the process works with you get an offer from a home for free report

Free 2015 Guide to Staging your Home for a Quick Sale

2015 stagig guide

download for free report                        

16 Bathroom and Kitchen improvements that will help your Bluffton home sell for more money

16 Bathroom and Kitchen Improvements That Will Help Your Home Sell For More Money 2015
 Realize that updates may be necessary to sell your home quickly and for top dollar.
 See why you don’t have to go broke making improvements.
 Recognize your home as an investment, and that minor updates will help you to get a fast return.
 Learn the most cost efficient ways to update your kitchen and bathrooms.
 Enjoy a list of improvements broken down by low, moderate and high cost.
 Follow simple steps to get your power rooms, the bath and kitchen, in tip top shape for viewers.
download for free report

5 Reasons Homes Don’t Sell And How To Make Sure You Don’t Make The Same Mistakes!

Inside this FREE report, you’ll discover…
 The biggest mistake most home sellers make that stop them from getting practically ANY buyer showings.
 The seller marketing secret that no one seems to use, but it always works.
 What you can do to “sweeten the deal” and get buyers to act now!
 What buyers DO and DON’T want to see when looking through your home.
get access now                  The 3 key places you want looking the absolute BEST on your home.
Are you serious about selling your home? Then you need this free report! In this guide you’ll see the absolute top 5 reasons that homes aren’t selling in today’s market.

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